Category Archives: Researcher Life

Couch-Potatoes 2 GateKeepers: You!

FULL TITLE: From Couch-Potatoes to Gatekeepers: A Necessity for the Digital Age


Who remembers this?

Who remembers this?

We, the people, are not used to being gatekeepers, being responsible for the information we are fed over the media. To be a gatekeeper is to be a deep reader, a critical thinker, a rookie-researcher; someone who compares information sources to verify the truth. This gatekeeper never accepts news on the face of it. He or she is aware of the political-economy of the media, perhaps not in that exact lingo, but in an uncanny and uncouth manner that informs his/her interpretation of the news. We are not accustomed to being this person, the 24/7 gatekeeper; but the digital information age calls for it.

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